
Might Not Otherwise

February 12
Will illegal immigrants be Trump’s gateway back to the White House?
Lakewood residents protest as Denver spends millions on new immigrants and tensions grow over what to do
Why Abe Lincoln backed immigration
A rescue ship saved them from the sea. Now these migrants find a tough road in Europe
The EU’s migration policies and the end of human rights in Europe
In Photos: A Glimpse of the Most Challenging Crisis Contexts in the World
Lithuanian court sentences Iraqi migrant smuggler to prison
Exploring the reasons behind immigrant departures from Canada
The Super Rich, Tax And Emigration
US: Delegation of Immigration Authority Section 287(g) Immigration and Nationality Act
‘The only option is to be patient’: Sudanese refugee waits on Spanish asylum claim filed from Morocco
South Sudan: AFDB and UNHCR partner to support refugees
Punishment beatings: Migrants beaten, isolated in Greek refugee camps

Immigrants do work that might not otherwise get done – bolstering the US economy
The Employment Situation of Immigrants and the U.S.-born in the Fourth Quarter of 2023
France and Netherlands lobbied for child border detention from birth in EU migration pact
European MPs Urged to Vote Against ‘Harmful’ EU Migration Pact
US: Immigration reform has always been tough, and rarely happens in election years – 4 things to know

US: ICE draft plan would release thousands of immigrants in order to cover budget shortfall
Canada: Benefits, credits, and taxes for newcomers
Greece: 2024 will be the year of ‘legal migration’
Ireland: These days, the emigration experience is both alien and familiar at the same time
The other immigration problem: Too much talent is leaving Canada
Who is leaving Canada and why?
US House impeaches Biden’s immigration chief Mayorkas over border crisis
How immigration is writing the next chapter for global economies
10 things to know about the neglected emergency in Chad
EU: States are not obliged to recognise refugee status awarded by another Member State but should ‘take into account’ this status

Afghan Immigrants in the United States
Israel to reward new immigrants for settling in periphery, West Bank
Israeli Government to Reward New Immigrants Who Settle in Country’s North, South and West Bank
[Bermuda] Robinson: we can do more to bring emigrants home
Immigrants increasingly leaving Canada for “greener pastures”
US to consider mass release of detained migrants over budget woes
Italian Senate passes controversial measure to ship migrants to Albania
Inclusion of Migration and Migrants in Climate-resilient Development Pathways in the Context of the European Green Deal
Crown: Immigration weekly update: February 15, 2024
What’s new in global immigration?
I asked criminologists about immigration and crime in the US. Their answers may surprise you
Estonia: UNHCR refugee integration assessment and recommendations

The Guardian, UK: Immigration and asylum
France – Visa and Immigration for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris

Portlaoise event to support emigrants who have returned to Ireland
A piece of Kerala in Australia! This Melbourne toddy shaap is a rage among immigrants
UNRWA chief says Israel waging campaign to ‘destroy’ Palestinian refugee aid agency

Trudeau’s welcome mat for immigrants wears thin amid Canada housing crunch
‘Go back to Hong Kong’ jibe sparks debate on level of racism in Canada, but emigrants say abuse that went viral doesn’t reflect country’s attitude
Senegalese migrant’s journey inspires oscar-nominated film
Türkiye’s main land border sees drop in migrants heading to Europe

Europe: Public attitudes on migration – Rethinking how people perceive migration