
Marshall A Plan

2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages

National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee Week

1816 July 9: Argentina Independence Day

1973 July 10: Bahamas Independence Day

1968 July 11: American Indian Movement founded

1995 July 11: Srebrenica Massacre

1810 July 20: Colombian Declaration of Independence

1847 July 26: Liberia Independence Day

1821 July 28: Fiestas Patrias, Peru

Ethnic minority pay gap in UK still stubbornly wide

Tajikistan regime targeting families of political activists

The Last Basque Restaurant in Southern California

Monsoon floods sweep through world’s biggest refugee camp

Kuwait Unlawfully Returns 8 Egyptian Dissidents

One out of five Barcelona residents are foreign

Palestinians Were Spared Turkey’s Rising anti-Arab Hate. Until Now

Ukrainians hungry for Lithuanian jobs, but some end up here in deeper misery

Why has it taken two lads from Lithuania to clean up the canals in Manchester?

Migrant Flow Across U.S.-Mexico Border Falls For First Time This Year

US launches raids targeting migrant families

Marshall Plan for Central America would restore hope, end migrant border crisis