
2017 01 08

Jan 8-14: ‘Creating a Culture of Encounter’ theme for National Migration Week

No Irish Need Apply – The actual signs and ads

Pari Ibrahim receives prize from Folia magazine HvA / UvA_Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) for founding / leading Free Yezidi Foundation

Why are Yazidis being uprooted again?

US to Resettle Iraqis Victimized by IS

Finnish brain drain picks up speed, entire research groups now moving abroad

Afghan migrant attacks Bible-reading woman in Austria

Sweden rejects less than a quarter of asylum seekers

Albanian inmates post pictures of themselves enjoying Christmas in British jail

Desperate asylum seekers in Lebanon in dire need of help and hope

Europe Migrant crisis: UK plans welfare crackdown

Hungry Venezuelans flood Brazilian towns, as threat of mass migration looms

Africans Attempting to Migrate to Europe Clash With Police in Northern Africa

The Inextricable Link Between Migration and Sweatshops

Defined by the migrant

UIndy team heads off on forensic mission to identify migrant bodies found in Texas

World’s highest paid expats toil in Switzerland

Music in a new homeland

The advertising guru harnessing Europe’s immigration fears

Roma actor sells Silver Bear award to feed kids

Tragic death in UK of two Romani girls from Czech Republic sparks horrible online commentary

Ukraine: Odessa is flooded with anti-Romani posters

Miss Lebanon Emigrant Australia pageant winner Najah Ghamrawi’s journey from catwalk to cop shop

Venezuelan Jews Barred From Immigrating to Israel Because ‘They Don’t Belong to a Jewish Community’

Italy tightens rules on migrant repatriation after mass arrivals

Italy to step up deportations after migrant death protest

Woman with migrant ‘hidden in suitcase’ arrested by Spanish border control

The next migrant wave

Germany arrests Syrian migrant over police car bomb plot

Pacific countries advance regional policy towards migration and climate change

Malta to establish common EU Policy on asylum seekers during presidency

New Maltese citizens may be granted option not to have right to vote and be listed on electoral register

Tibetan parliament-in-exile asks UN to restart Sino-Tibet talks

16 sexual assaults reported in Austria after New Year’s Eve celebrations

Migration Patterns Study ranks West Virginia 8th in nation in outward moves

Push to instil water safety and skills in Sydney’s migrant communities

Afghan migrant dies of hypothermia in Greece

Refugees, migration a front-burner topic throughout 2016

A public-private partnership will solve Europe’s migrant crisis. And migrants’ crises?

Hundreds of British Sephardi Jews apply for Portugal passports

Hungarian Australians gather in Sydney to celebrate cultural festival

Thief freed in Slovakia moves to UK and raids homes within weeks

In this Maharashtra village, parents migrate for a living, children die

Women bear the brunt of climate migration

Mexico: Faces of migration

Migration Dynamic Data Hub

Tibetan Singers Release Music Albums in Bodh Gaya

New law in Slovakia adds to hostile environment for Muslims in central Europe

Slovenia toughens law to prevent another influx of migrants

Labour reforms herald earnings boost for migrant workers in Malaysia

High-Skilled Migration and Agglomeration

Whatsapp Most Popular Social Media App Among Jamaican Diaspora

Diasporans Remain Guests in Armenia says Arsinée Khanjian

IOM, EU Train Libyan Mediterranean Migrant Rescuers

Migrant Arrivals In Europe By Sea Decline, But Death Toll Rises

Blackwater founder Erik Prince wants to privatise Europe’s migrant crisis

What We Can Learn From The ‘Little Mogadishu’ Migrant Hub

NGO sets up second tent school for children of migrant labourers

Paris Demands Justice for Murder of Kurdish Citizens in 2013

Nagpur-Mumbai Samruddhi corridor to bring down intra-state migration

The Many Faces of Climate Change Migration in Asia

Tyrus Wong: Disney’s Hidden Migrant Imagination

Grammy award winning mariachi band performs for migrant students

EU migration row escalates over Austria ‘offshore’ asylum plan